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I am prayerfully considering running a monthly group for tweens involving real emotions in a world of emoticons. The concept of letting kids really have time to process their inner dialogue face to face together with a healthy adult or two appeals to me because it is so refreshingly rare. I hope to flesh out some more ideas for this group soon, but my first thoughts are that we will listen to music together, use art (stamping, drawing, card and sign making) read inspiring passages together, journal, talk and sit with each other in the kids’ laughter and pain. Helping each girl to know that she can get through each and every trial she is confronted with is a large task but a fun one when you use arts of all kinds. Hope it works out for after the 1st of the year. I will be keeping the group confidential if it does begin but right now in this contemplative stage, I am just enjoying the process.

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