The Blog
About Christa
About Me Hello friends! I'm Christa Hardin, founder of Reflections Counseling & Coaching and Enneagram + Marriage. I absolutely love helping couples and families find their "glow" as they walk through shadows and into the light in which they...
Why Loving the Prodigal Matters So Much
aands Why Loving the Prodigal Matters So Much by Christa Hardin 2/5/24 Luke 15:31 Trying, once again, To get myself out of the prodigal older brothers' shoes, Out of the rage of indignation, And into the Light of forgiveness and more, active love. But the question...
Not Just Nature or Nurture
I smile as the couple in front of me jokingly ponders whether their child got their annoying trait from the husband or the wife's family. I have, of course, done the same thing myself with my own family, and some traits we talk about are distinct or simply fun, such...
Tell Me What You Know
I don’t know about you but I love learning from others who are willing to share what they know. The new layers of knowing allow me to add what I’ve learned to my work with couples and into richer connections in my life as a wife, mother, friend, and brief fellow...
Experiencing God’s Love Just As We Are
. I didn’t think my appearance suitable, especially after walking for miles to get there to see You. So I hopped the locked back gate and slipped in through the cracks. I longed to sit for a while at the green pastures and rest by the still waters... They...
From A Place of Love
I love the end-of-the-year resolution time for it is such a clean window of new things on the horizon, the possibilities are endless. More than the other things, or maybe as part of them, this time is a necessary release to God. Exercising the prayer of examen more...
Here: A Joyful Homage this Christmas
A Christmas reflection
Lost in Eden by Christa Hardin, MA
When God created male and female, He also made space for them to have intimacy, to truly Know one. another. In Song of Songs, we read about the sensual and fragrant metaphors of grapes, cedars, apples, and myrrh as symbols for healthy sexuality.Although we can hold...
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